Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

I cannot believe that today is Christmas Eve, and tomorrow is the first day of 2009!!!
We are going to the Lolos's this afternoon to make tamales, then some of us girls will spend the night with the Halls. It will be great fun!
More later.


  1. Hi Jacqui! Happy New Years! Wow, Tamales, sounds very yummy! We were going to make them this year, then decided not to. I was just looking at your "About Me" section, and I am wondering how are you going to get paid to have lots of kids?

  2. haha, well, I've heard that in France they are suffering from underpopulation and would gladly pay to boost its growth. My friends and I have the brilliant idea to travel to Europe and marry Europeans and have kids and get paid for them...:)
