Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Tonight, my dears, is choir! I LOVE choir. I have an awesome instructor-person (that's you, Melanie) and a bunch of awesome fellow (oops, fella) choristers. We are preparing for a Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols and our Christmas Feast coming up sooner than I realize. (I realize I just realized that).
Tonight is "The (dreaded by the Aged P) Gathering" and we sing emotional songs, and listen to an emotional trauma-to-triumph story, and then we pray in emotional prayer circles. You should read the book called "Stuff Christians Like" by somebody whose name I can't remember. But it's a really good book. I should read it.
I started another blog on tumblr.com today. It's pretty exciting. Beginning stuff. The hard part is keeping it going. I've had this blog for almost two years, and I don't have very many posts.....Watch me try to keep up TWO blogs. What am I thinking?
I've started to read Out of the Silent Planet by C.S. Lewis (for the second time) and I'm in chapter 4! Last time I only got half way through chapter 1...
But I'm going through a Lois Lowry phase. It's really fun because I love her books.
Funny how I realize all the things I want to do the week before Finals, when I should be studying! Dear me.
Oh yes, my patent phrase is, "Oh my Gargoyles" (or "Oh my Gafinkes" which comes from using T9 texting on my cell phone trying to spell gargoyles).
I should probably work on the last two chapter summaries I need to have finished by Friday.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Advent!

Today is the beginning of the Advent season! Very Exciting. :D
I missed the sermon today because I had childcare. But I usually like watching the kids for a while, but today I was (am) not feeling well, so I mostly sat in the rocker and pitied my poor head (which was hurting).
After church we socialized in the fellowship hall and then we went to the new Foundations. I really like it. We are learning (refreshing our memory on) the creeds. The Apostle's Creed, Nicene Creed and the Definition of Chalcedon.
One more week of school. Then Finals!
Today we were actuallyon time. Amazing.
We loaded all the bull panels from BJ's into Uncle Doug's truck and got rid of them. Ahhh...
Then we moved the hay from the trailer to Gpa's truck and took it down to the tack room. While we were loading the hay, a mouse skittered up Mom's pant leg! How she did scream. Then she shook it out, and I stepped on it. Then we called Boone over to it. He looked delighted and took it away to torture it...I am sorry (actually I'm not, just seems the appropriate thing to say...), but I really have no sympathy for mouses!
I am still thinking about sneaking away to go for a snow walk today. Before it get's dark, which will be soon.
I especially missed Sierra and Blaze today, when we were disassembling their corral..:( Diggor is a good boy, but he is a young, untrained stallion. Mother absolutely will not let us practice our rodeo tricks on him. So we can't ride him.
I really should put some pictures up.

Friday, November 26, 2010

This Day in History: October 26 — Infoplease.com

This Day in History: October 26 — Infoplease.com

I'm thankful for...

Turning leaves. They make a beautiful ground cover for the ugly mud that comes with autumn rains.
Snow. It covers up the leaves that are turning to slime.
Cold weather, 'cause it makes me thankful for warm clothes, and warm beds, and warm houses, and warm food, and warm kittens to cuddle with.
My family. They help me treasure the small things in life.
Mom. She always has good advice for me.
Our country. It really is the Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth.
Friends. But who isn't thankful for their friends?
Enemies. They help me keep life in perspective.
Wood stoves, despite all the work.
Dogs. At least they keep the coyotes away.
Church. My church is the very BEST church in the WORLD.
My pastor. He always has the right sermon at the right time.
The new Foundations class. It's like our House for my Name class with no pressure.
Little kids. I just love 'em. They remind me that I used to be like that. Can't wait to have my own.
Messes. The feeling of satisfaction I get after I've cleaned them up.
Capitalism. And all those people who live to produce the things that I can't or won't produce for myself.
Problems. If we didn't have them, there would be no need for solutions.
Books. There are few things better than a comfy chair by the fire with a hot drink in one hand and a good book in the other.
Music. I honestly could not survive without music.
My senses. I know I don't always take full advantage of them, but I sure am glad they're there when I need them.
Indoor plumbing. And I thought the kings and queens of old lived in luxury.
Learning. As Mark Twain said, "I never let schooling interfere with my learning."
Sledding. Saucer trains are the best.
Opportunities. Too bad I don't take advantage of all the ones that come my way.
Food. Most all real food is good.
Freedom, and our fathers who fought for it.
This is just a start...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Story

Kyle said he was trying to decide the level of violence we could handle. We said, "Oh, lots of violence! And suspense and action and adventure of course. Oh and romance..."
So he launched into a story of three friends named Dan, Melinda and Steve, in a small plane headed for a vacation somewhere in the south pacific (I think), when the gages (sp?) of the plane went out. And it was night. And foggy. So they couldn't see anything, until it was too late. Plane crashed on a sandy beach, tearing off wings on its way and erupting into a ball of fire. Luckily, the three were alive. They climbed out of the wreck and in a daze wandered around looking for something to build a fire because they were cold. Which was weird. During the rest of the night, they heard strange sniffing and scratching noises that kept them all wide awake. In the morning, they found large paw prints around the perimeter of the light cast by the fire. The picked up pieces of the plane and moved the fire closer to the plane. Melinda went to pick up a wing that was partially in the thick jungle at the edge of the beach. As she grabbed hold of it to pull it out, it pulled back. She tried again, and it pulled back again. And then it jerked out of her hands and was swept away into the jungle. She ran back screaming to the guys and told them that the wing was gone. Creepy.
They were hungry so the decided to go wading in the shallows to look for clams and such. The were fishing around in about knee-deep slightly murky water, when Steve said, "Something touched me!" They wondered what it was, but kept looking around. Then he said, "Something touched me again." They were starting to get a little nervous when Melinda said, "Something touched me too!" They didn't stay long after that, but splashed to shore quickly. When the got back to the plane, Steve glanced down at his leg, because he felt pain and saw that what felt like a burn was quickly becoming a gaping wound. They quickly ripped his shirt into strips and bound up his wound. Here Kyle suggested, "I might add that Melinda was holding holding Steve's hand the whole time." We all erupted in sighs of contentment.
They eventually decided that they really needed food and despite the dangers of both the sea and the jungle, they decided they would go into the jungle rather than get attacked by acid eels or something. So Dan and Melinda started off into the jungle armed with spears from young saplings they had stripped. Steve waited in the plane with his spear. After a while he looked up into the gloom because of the fog, and saw two red eyes staring at him...

Trinity Teens

Last night was the first Trinity Teens gathering of the school year. We went to the Hawes in Quincy and had a blast. Sukey and I went with the Eiferts and sang our lungs out the whole way to I'm Yours, Sink or Swim, Baby (Bettye's request), Hey Soul Sister, Waka waka, Wine Red, The Lions Roar, etc. Some of my favorites. :D
We started off a little late because Gretha was having credit card issues, but the Bargers waited for us. Dad, Samuel, Thomas and Levi went in our car with Samuel driving...wonder how that went?
When we got there, we found a pile of kittens at the door! We all "ooed" and "aaed" (sp?) appropriately and picked them up. I haven't held a kitten in a long time, so I was surprised at how small and soft and warm they were...:)
We greeted the host's and headed out to the back yard and the bonfire. There we sat on bales of hay around the fire and sang psalms and listened to Mr. Hawes talk on contentment. There were three men, each with a different trial, all of whom thought that their neighbor's trial would be easier for them to bear, so the all switched. Within 24 hours, the were all back to their own trials. Everyone is equipped with the patience they need for their own trials. No wonder we have our trials instead of someone else's.
After the lesson, we had S'mores. I had burnt marshmallows though, because I don't like S'mores, and I couldn't brown it nicely this time. :(
We tried to play capture the flag, but I got tagged and sent to jail, so I went up in the tree house (which was right next to the jail) and hung out. Then Gretha came by and I called her up, and we had a very good heart-to-heart talk. The kind that are best had in the semi-darkness of night in a tree house.
Then we were interrupted and kicked out of the tree house by the general public and scurried over to the fire to mumble about our misfortunes to Kyle who was sitting there with the dogs. After a while we voted for him to tell us a scary story. As he sat staring into the fire, we audibly wondered what the story would be.

Monday, November 1, 2010

A New Day

Yesterday was Refomation Day/All Saints Day/All Hallows Eve! Woke up bright and early (5:45am is EARLY), to get ready and get everything together because we (choir peoples) had to be at the church at 7:05am to set up and rehearse and robe for the Service at 8:00am. I tell you, I voted for the 11:00am service time! But no, everyone preferred to get up in the dark ('cause it's closing in on winter) and go to church in the fog (because that's what it does in the winter) and arrive in the cold! Anyways, even though we got up early and ready shortly after, we were STILL Tardy (that was our Third tardy this term...) but since I'm the Attendance Keeper, I'm the only one who knows that...I'll confess sometime (I'll tell you tomorrow, Melanie!). But everything went really well. Melanie did FABULOUSLY, and we did pretty good too. I was sweltering in my robe. Usually I'm really hot, but this time I was really, really hot. Like, sweltering! (pretty good word, huh?)
I actually studied for a while before the Feast! Rewrote a couple pages of econ notes. :D And I did my laundry...and then I decided at the last minute to go dressed up as a Wandering Minstrel...I had my clunker boots, leggins, a tunic, a cloak, and my (very necessary for a minstrel of any kind) instrument. A Ukulele. Missing two strings. Doesn't stay in tune. Didn't have if half the time because all the kids "wanted a turn." I prolly embarassed my whole family with my strummings. But it was fun! Yes, it was fun. Then we went to the Hall's house and watched a Martin Luther film (not a documentary!) and decided I wanted to learn the 95 Theses so I printed them all out and going to hang them up in the bathroom...
On Saturday, Becky and I went to the Library to study. I worked on econ with another econ student. And then Melanie called to invite us to dinner since we were parentless that evening. Of course we said we would come because we think the Halls are nice. Turns out the parents did end up getting home around then, so they came to dinner too. We ate food! And then we had dessert! But I don't want to talk about dessert, because dessert is associated with an awkward moment on my part...:( But then we went outside and ran around and played Hide-and-Seek...unsuccessfully.
Wednesday and Thursday were really bad days because I got really bad test results back. And I had to decide if I was going to keep going like this and almost certainly fail one or both of the classes I was struggling in, or drop one, or the other on, by Friday because Friday was the last day to drop a class.
And then on Friday I decided to drop a class, and was very traumatized, because it was the first time I ever had to do that. But after I dropped it, I was soooo relieved! :D
I am writing very spontaneously and out of order...But if you read this listening to music it can be better. It sounds better when I'm listening to music...listening to L-O-V-E by Nat King Cole right now..:D

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I just had to post something today...for to celebrate the significance of the 10ness. :D I missed posting this at 10:10 am because we just got home from church.
Today we are having the Tracy's and the Ulrich's for dinner, and Mr. Tracy is going to talk about his WWII experiences.
We had a new thing at church. It's called something "edibles." Lots of tasty sugary stuff, that I refrained from! I only had a apple and oatmeal muffin, even though there was a large selection of doughnuts and such...
I had a nice chat with Anna today. We talked about college and such.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

John Dryden

I was walking through the library, and found a book of John Dryden's poems. I opened it (it just happened to be the chapter on his satirical and didactic poems)to inhale the old-book-smell, and came across this poem. Here is a taste:

Shimei-Slingsby Bethel-the Republican sheriff of the city:
"But he, though bad, is followed by a worse,
The wretch, who heaven's anointed dared to curse;
Shimei-whose youth did early promise bring
Of zeal to God, and hatred to his King-
Did wisely from expensive sins refrain,
And never broke the Sabbath but for gain:
Nor ever was he known an oath to vent,
Or curse, unless against the government.
...During his office treason was no crime,
The sons of Belial had a glorious time:
For Shimei, though not prodigal of pelf,
Yet loved his wicked neighbors as himself.

I had never read John Dryden before and I thought this interesting. My favorite, was line 7-8...

Monday, October 4, 2010

Week Three

I'm sitting here in the upstairs library computer lab, right next to the new tutor center, listening to Beirut and working on my accounting homework. And blogging. It's been a week since I last blogged,and a lot has happened since then.
Monday night I went to my night class (accounting), and mostly listened to what the teacher was saying, and partly having silent laughter fits with the two women next to me...Bad.
Tuesday we had the Gathering (first of the season) and Mrs. McEachran gave her testimony. I held Austin! He's getting so big..and TALKING. He has picked up this new habit of imitating everyone when ever they cough or sneeze. He's good at it too. Had me worried for a sec, until his mom explained it to me. Then we had choir practice. I think it went well. Melanie was GREAT! :) We got lots of new music to work on. I sort of lived up to my new title as Choir Librarian/Chief Musician's Assistant and helped set out and organize the music, and then put it back. :)
Wednesday I went to the last half hour of the first Campus Crusade meeting, after my night class. There were not many people there, just Mr. and Mrs. Fitch, a woman and her daughter, Marcus, and me. We talked about the parables of Jesus, and their interpretations. I also talked to Nancy Howard (my Eng 201 teacher) about being a Write Lab Tutor. She seemed really excited and said she would hire me in an instant, IF I had Work Study....:( But since I don't, she will get back to me this Thursday to see if she can hire me.
Thursday I went to Bridget Byington's baby shower. She is such a cute little baby! Everyone who spoke gave some helpful insight (I thought) to Mrs. Byington and it was a very welcoming and laid back atmosphere. Mrs. Gildehaus told Mrs. Madson that I babysat (babysitted? no..), so I got a babysitting job for Saturday night babysitting the Madsons.
Friday I went walking around the campus with Gretha, and we talked about spankings and modesty, and everything in between. It was quite a conversation. That evening, Sukey and I went to the Halls and had a delicious dinner and watched Dicken's Nicholas Nickelby. Great movie. Got home around 12:30...had to do dreadful outside chores as penance.
Saturday I did my penance, and then *did my homework*. Then I went to the Madsons to babysit. Boy, was that an experience. Ben really lived up to Mr. Halls nickname for him, "Benergy". They must all be professional photographers by now, with all the videos and pictures they took with my camera...:P They were actually pretty well behaved. :D I got home around 11:30.
Sunday We got up at 6:00 to be ready to leave at 6:45 to get to church at 7:15 to be on time to practice the prelude. After church I detained Gretha and Anna talking about what we talk about...but I think they were okay with being detained. :D On the way home, I drove a stick for the FIRST time, and only killed it ONCE. I thought that was pretty good for a first time ever. Then we had Pastor Gene and his wife to dinner for our Face-to-Face meeting. We had a delectible meal. And then Pastor read from the book called "Stuff Christians Like". And then we went on a walk to the top of our hill. Then we came back for dessert and watched Grandpa cut the character tree that was in the corral in half. It's going to be an archway for the bridge.
And today, Monday. The start of the third week. Worked on acct. hw. Went to Econ. Worked on acct. hw. Went to Choir. Went to precalc. Saw it was cancelled. Again. Worked on acct. hw. So far.

Monday, September 27, 2010

One Week Already?

Today is the first day of the second week of my third year at Wenatchee Valley College. I skipped months in there, but that is pretty "tight" the way that worked out (btw, "tight" is apparently the new word for "cool"). I love all my business and math related classes and I am ecstatic at the thought of being able to excell in the business world (someday, after much toil). I am in the process of applying to Whitworth University in hopes of getting accepted, so that I can apply to their Business Program, in order to get a Business degree, to get a job, to make money, to travel the world, to find my FH, to marry the man of my dreams, to finally have some kids for all the awesome names I have collected over the years. And that is just one of my goals.
Last week went as smoothly as can be expected for the first week of school. On Friday, I went to Trinity Teens at the Eiferts. Had a blast. The parents made plans for the year of Trinity Teens, changed the rules, and may even change the name. It started out as First Friday. Saturday I WAS going to go to the Whitworth Homecoming Football game with Grandpa Tom and his brothers, but was not allowed to go because if I was able to go to that in spite of homework, then I should be able to go the the Bible Quiz. But if I did not want to go to the Quiz, then I couldn't go the game. It was a lose-lose situation for me both ways. I was very disappointed. But I ended up going to the Cross-country meet with Gretha and Anna. We saw Kayla run, and she ran great. We also saw Hannah, but she wasn't running, because she was sick that day. Anna and I met a friend of Gretha's, who was very nice and polite. I almost greeted him like I knew him, but stopped myself just in time. I know a lot ABOUT him, I just never actually met him. He probably had never seen or heard of me in his life. Then we went to the Owl and had a milkshake. We finally had our get-together after months of saying we needed to BEFORE school. Then the Halls invited us to a BBQ as a Barger substitute on short notice. We had delicious pork ribs, grilled by Mr. Hall himself. Then on Sunday we sang for the prelude like we always do. I volunteered to sing Alto because Melanie was going to move one of us Sopranos to that part for the song. But ANNA had to take it away because she did not feel like singing high that day. I was not happy about that, because sometimes I like to sing Alto, and this was a chance to do it for an actual prelude, not just for fun during the service.
I am going through a jazz phase music-wise right now. I love all the oldies. I prefer them to most of the modern music these days. I absolutely love swing dancing and I really want to learn the art, but the parents must have a problem with the music...I really can't understand it. I am the odd one out of the family in this case, because I am the only one who really appreciates jazz.
Campus Crusade is starting up again this Wednesday, and I am excited to get back into it. The only problem is it starts at 7:00pm and I have a night class till 7:45. If I could convince enough people that they would like it at 7:30 instead, I would only be 15 minutes late instead of 45. But I don't know how that will go. Also, my parents are somewhat opposed to Campus Crusade because it is not Church-based. It is mostly independent, not affiliated with any one church, and I can see how this would be preferable...but I still love it.
Choir rehearsals are back! They have been for a while, but I am still excited. I am the OFFICIAL Attendance Keeper, and I have a super system all worked out, in line with the new attendance policy. I need to ask people to tell me instead of, or in addition to, Melanie, because I never seem to hear about people's whereabouts until choir is started, then I feel clueless. Speaking of Choir, Mrs. Appel's Funeral was absolutely glorious. I cried almost the whole time. She was such a dear lady. I will miss her.
I need to ask Mrs. Unger if she will hire me as an English Tutor in the Tutor Center. I know they have them in the English Write-labs, but I don't want to be stuck in one of those dismal dark dens. I much prefer the Tutor Center atmosphere. I also need to see if I can be a Computer Lab tech. I want to make as much money as I am alowed to with financial aid. I also need to look more into Student Senate. I would really like to be more involved, but I don't know how much I can handle, and how busy I will be.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

A good day

Today started out like a typical Sunday morning since we started having service at 8:00 am. I got up at 6:30ish and got ready (I took a shower last night, so I didn't have to do much). We were supposed to be at church at 7:15 for choir rehearsal, but for some reason, my brain did not register that this was so. We didn't leave 'till 7:16...Takes 15 minutes minimum to get to church...got a Tardy already and it's only the first Sunday in Michaelmas term! I apologized excessively to Melanie..But anyways, then we went to line up to sing the prelude, I was the very last to go in, and the first to go out. We sang the prelude, then Pastor Gene exhorted the congregation, and then began to pray, like he does every Sunday, that's when we file out quietly. Well, I was not so quiet. The platform or whatever you call it is three steps up from the main level, not to bad, right? Well, my sole was slick and the carpet was too, and I did not make it to the second step...I landed with at crash, that everyone heard, and several people looked up to see what caused the commotion. Boy that was exciting...Several people asked if I was ok during the Passing of the Peace, but I actually did not get hurt at all, just pretty surprised is all. :D

Oh yes, G-pa invited me to go with the brothers to Whitworths homecoming football game, I surely want to go.

Celebratio coming up this weekend!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Only One Week?

This is surely a feat. I have only gone one week without a post. Record for me. :)

I am just about to head to the first official choir rehearsal for Michaelmas Term. It will be a good term, Melanie will be a great conductor, although we all miss Mr. Justin sorely...:( I am the official attendance keeper for our choir, no pressure.

Last Friday I went to Spokane for a Whitworth football game with Grandma and Grandpa. On the way over, we had dinner at the Corner Cafe in Whitman, I think. I stayed with the Woodroofs again! I met their cousin Stacey and her mom. They are very nice people. Saturday we had a very nice Woodroof breakfast, puttered around the house for a while, then went to the game. We lost...7 to 27 I think it was. Sunday we went to Moscow to visit Aki. We had to leave early to be in time for the Trinity Reformed Church service at 9:30am, so I didn't get to say goodbye to the Woodroofs, except Sarah. Aki didn't know for sure if we were coming, so when she saw me during the Passing of the Peace in the service, she squealed most raucously. ;) Then we went to lunch at a Thai restaurant that was pretty delectable. Then we went and saw where Aki is living with the Appels. It's a quaint little house in a quiet neighborhood in Moscow. After we left Moscow, we went back to Spokane to see Ray and Judy at Judy's house to pick up their kids and grandsons to take them back to Leavenworth, cause their car was having problems. I shivered in their pool for a while till they came, then we headed for home. Stefan and I rode in the back seat, which turned into the "quiet seat" (because neither of us were talking much) to the "sleeping seat" (because both of us fell asleep on the way home, nobody else did).

Finally we got home, after the rest of my family had left for Bellevue to fix a leak in Grandma's new roof. I had a lazy Monday. They came home that night. And today, I have been doing laundry. I cleaned Samuel's room and he gave me $5! I can't think what else I did today, but in a few minutes, I go to choir!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life: how mysterious

I'm so excited! School starts up again on September 20th. That's only 19 days away! Summer has flown by so fast it seems like forever since I graduated last Spring. Now that I have my AAS, I am doing the Business Transfer this year. It is packed with math, economics and politics. LOVE it. There is some business in it too.

To pass the time this summer (the time that was not spent having a blast at all the camps I went to...), I've been exploring computers: setting them up, taking them apart, trying to hack into them (because I forgot the password...), trying to sell stuff on the internet (craigslist, ebay, half.com): junk from freecycle, old textbooks, ancient baseball cards, and all the other random stuff that people might buy online.

Last night we rehearsed Howell's "Requiem" for the impending funeral for dear Betty Appel, who is dying of cancer. All of her family is with her for her last weeks, or days. Her husband, three sons, their wives, all their children (her ten darling grandchildren), her mother, and her brother. It will be so hard, but it will be glorious! May God be praised.

Aki has gone back to school. Now she attends NSA in Moscow, Idaho. This is Josie's second year. Becky, Melanie, Sukey, Sarah and I plan to take a trip over there to visit them sometime, after Reformation Day, most likely.

Gretha and Anna and I HAVE to get together before school saps our sanity. I have a chronic saying, "We need to DO something!" and Anna has a chronic response, "You ALWAYS say that!" and Gretha comes up with the plan, day and time. Dear Gretha. She thought that since the Drive-in Theater is closing for good, and none of us have been there, we should go there before it is no more. She's not sure what movie we are going to see...she's still looking into their showings. :) I just love those girls. <3<3<3

I get to babysit three of the cutest boys (the Gildehaus's!) once in a while. I watched them all day on Monday, and I just noticed how much Austin is talking! He had quite a conversation on my cellphone with who-knows-who, but he had all the appropriate pauses for the other person to have a chance to speak. So far, the only intelligible words I can decipher were "what" and "why?" my name, which he pronounces, "Gah-kee" and of course, "mommy" and "daddy". I think I'll wait around for Austin to grow up, and then I'll marry him.