Friday, November 26, 2010

I'm thankful for...

Turning leaves. They make a beautiful ground cover for the ugly mud that comes with autumn rains.
Snow. It covers up the leaves that are turning to slime.
Cold weather, 'cause it makes me thankful for warm clothes, and warm beds, and warm houses, and warm food, and warm kittens to cuddle with.
My family. They help me treasure the small things in life.
Mom. She always has good advice for me.
Our country. It really is the Greatest Nation on God's Green Earth.
Friends. But who isn't thankful for their friends?
Enemies. They help me keep life in perspective.
Wood stoves, despite all the work.
Dogs. At least they keep the coyotes away.
Church. My church is the very BEST church in the WORLD.
My pastor. He always has the right sermon at the right time.
The new Foundations class. It's like our House for my Name class with no pressure.
Little kids. I just love 'em. They remind me that I used to be like that. Can't wait to have my own.
Messes. The feeling of satisfaction I get after I've cleaned them up.
Capitalism. And all those people who live to produce the things that I can't or won't produce for myself.
Problems. If we didn't have them, there would be no need for solutions.
Books. There are few things better than a comfy chair by the fire with a hot drink in one hand and a good book in the other.
Music. I honestly could not survive without music.
My senses. I know I don't always take full advantage of them, but I sure am glad they're there when I need them.
Indoor plumbing. And I thought the kings and queens of old lived in luxury.
Learning. As Mark Twain said, "I never let schooling interfere with my learning."
Sledding. Saucer trains are the best.
Opportunities. Too bad I don't take advantage of all the ones that come my way.
Food. Most all real food is good.
Freedom, and our fathers who fought for it.
This is just a start...

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